1: Hypothesize

Codify ideas around what the gap is, and how catalytic capital might help address it to advance a social or environmental goal.

Timespan: 2-4 months

Steps Prime takes

  • Goals/mission lock

    • Provide written template for investment managers to describe their impact hypothesis and how it aligns with Prime’s mission.

  • Team

    • Ensure goal alignment among investment managers, staff, and board.

  • Governance

    • Clarify decision-making processes

    • Educate investment managers about Prime’s governing and advisory committees

Sample questions we ask

  • Gaps faced by climate solutions

    • What gap(s) – financial or other resources – do you seek to fill with your fund?

    • How does this gap show up in your work today and what evidence can you share?

    • Why is catalytic capital needed versus government intervention, private grantmaking and/or other private investment?

    • Why is this the highest and best use of philanthropy right now?

  • Alignment of goals and values

    • What role do you envision Prime serving in the proposed fund throughout its lifecycle? 

    • How would working with a nonprofit and its advisory committees advance your mission?

    • Why would you value Prime’s partnership in this fund versus another nonprofit partner?     

    • How have you and/or your firm demonstrated alignment with Prime’s values of abundance, additionality, care, humility, and tenacity, as well as our emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion?

    • What do you view as your team’s unique strengths and how do these strengths further Prime’s mission?     

  • Early ideas about the program itself

    • What is your target total fund size? What portion would be catalytic?

    • What underwriting criteria do you imagine for this fund?     

    • Do you envision any companion nonprofit programming?

    • What do you see as appropriate performance metrics for this fund?


2: Substantiate