Catalyzing capital to develop carbontech for gigaton-scale CO2 removal

By James DeCunzo, Johanna Wolfson, Sarah Kearney

The pace of international carbon dioxide emissions reduction is insufficient to limit global average temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius.

Even with rapid decarbonization of power generation and increased electrification of buildings, transportation, and industry, humanity will need to remove and sequester on the order of tens of gigatons of CO₂ from the atmosphere annually by midcentury to mitigate existential risk to the most vulnerable members of our species and many others.

Prime Coalition is dedicated to supporting carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions and the entrepreneurs behind them, recognizing that CDR is a necessary element of advancing our nonprofit mission to mitigate climate change. With support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, we have been evaluating the challenges and opportunities of investing in nascent CDR technology solutions since June 2019.

We are excited that last fall Prime Impact Fund closed an investment in a CDR company – the second CDR investment Prime has facilitated since our founding in 2014. Today, by sharing our perspective on the industry and three tools we developed to aid in our own investment diligence process, we hope more members of the climate-minded investor community will join us in accelerating the development and deployment of these critical solutions.

To continue reading, please visit ImpactAlpha.


Prime Impact Fund raises $52 million to jumpstart climate-tech pipeline


Catalytic Capital for Climate Innovation