ImpactAlpha Spotlights Updated CRANE Tool

ImpactAlpha spotlighted the launch of Prime's updated CRANE tool, developed in partnership with Rho Impact. The CRANE tool is a freely available online tool and data source to help philanthropists, impact investors, and others assess the potential future emissions reductions of new or early-stage climate solutions. The updated software was unveiled during San Francisco Climate Week in April, which featured a panel discussion titled "Understanding the Future Impacts of Climate Tech — Today" and included a live demonstration of the software. In addition to discussing the tool, ImpactAlpha touches on a critical issue for investors: "As climate tech solutions multiply, what is the best use of their limited capital?” A special thanks to Lynnley Browning and ImpactAlpha for sharing this exciting milestone for Prime!

To read the full article, please visit ImpactAlpha (paywall).


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