2: Substantiate

Build the case around specific, point-in-time gap(s) for compliance, optics and conviction thresholds.

Timespan: 2-4 months

Steps Prime takes

  • Drive research to substantiate and further characterize the gap(s) proposed by investment team. Substantiation research may engage outside organizations that bring expertise to the specific hypothesis being interrogated.

  • Proceed to design phase only when Prime can validate the impact potential and additionality of filling the proposed gap(s).

Clarifying questions

  • Find case studies: Are there concrete examples of this capital gap? How well do these examples support the hypothesis?

  • Substantiate at scale: What do market data tell us about capital availability for the entire market/impact area? What should this look like (e.g. compared to another market/region)?

  • Assess acuity: Are there other indicators that might help us determine the need for capital relative to what is available?


1: Hypothesize


3: Design