Prime Blog

Welcome to the Prime blog, where we share event highlights, reflections from our team, and exciting updates about our organization!

Abigail Ahoude Abigail Ahoude

Highlights from Prime Coalition’s Events at SF Climate Week

Prime Coalition was honored to join the 15,000+ guests and 750+ organizations participating in this year’s San Francisco Climate Week (SFCW). The Prime team hosted and participated in 4 key events at SFCW, including two Prime hosted events, which were our Climate Finance Reception and our CRANE Tool launch at the panel discussion, Understanding the Future Impacts of Climate Tech — Today.

Additionally, Lara Pierpoint, Managing Director of Trellis Climate, also spoke at two other events, including LabStart’s discussion on how organizations are supporting climate tech entrepreneurs and the Scaling Hardtech Climate Solutions: a FOAK (First of a Kind) Summit. We’re excited to share our topline highlights from each of these events.

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